The Litter
The Enchanted
The Pope
The Emperor
The Empress
The Female Pope
The Sorcerer
New Jerusalem
The Hermit
The Wheel of Fortune
The Power
The Hangman
The Devil
The World
The Crazyman
Judgement Day
The Sun
The Moon
The Star
The Tower
                                                                                                                                                         Crossing Board



The crossing is disputed in pairs, according to the following dynamic: one of the components of each pair throws the dice and, according to the resulting number, moves their "vehicles" (a coin, a soft drink cap or any other object) until the correspondent place, being forced, according to the game's rules, to answer a specific question of that archetype, without his-her partner being present.

It is of the absent partner's responsibility to answer the question to discover which option his-her partner chose. In the next round, the roles will be exchanged, with the component that threw, the dice being absent and the one who tried to discover the answer assuming the principal role.

As we already said, the first board of the Illuminated Road game is called "the crossing" and is formed by the 22 major Archanes, disposed in 3 superposed sequences:

The final objective of the crossing is to arrive in New Jerusalem, the last position of the game, before the others, where they will then go on to the next board of the illuminated road. However, during the game, the participants can "follow" in positions affected by spades or serpents. In case of one of the participants having his-her vehicle placed in positions affected by the spades, like the ones of the Sun and the Wheel of Fortune, after answering the corresponding questions of these positions, he-she will be pushed forward, that is, to the positions of Power and the Emperor respectively.
The Hangman-the Moon 
The Sun-Power
The Enchanted-the Hermit
The Wheel of Fortune-the Emperor
The Sorcerer-Devil
New Jerusalem returns

On the other hand, if the participant has his-her vehicle placed in a position affected by the serpents, as the ones of the Hangman, the Enchanted and the Sorcerer, he-she will have to return respectively to the positions of the Moon, the Hermit and the Devil, alter answering the corresponding questions.

We could also emphasize at least 4 rules and observation regarding the crossing process.